We have founded the Beauty Movement because we believe in our deep connection with the Earth and in a new way of living and seeing the world. Join us!
Andrea Bianchi travels far and wide to hold barefoot walking workshops, from the Dolomites to the Via Francigena. In 2017 he founded “Il silenzio dei passi” (ilsilenziodeipassi.it): the first barefoot hiking school in Italy, which presents an activity that can enhance your physical and mental well-being and is accessible to everyone. Andrea’s latest book is entitled "La via del freddo alla felicità" and it was published by Vallardi in 2020.
Alessandro Gruzza was born in Trento, Italy, in 1971. Professional photographer since 2013, he has won numerous awards in national and international nature photography contests, among which the National Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year. He published the book “Paths of Light” in 2012 and “The Voice of the Dolomites” in 2018. With photography, he aims to convey feelings of empathy and love, as the way to follow to awaken our innate sense of belonging, respect and protection for Nature.
On the journey with us
Even the longest journey begins with a single step. Along the way we meet companions who share the purpose and make the journey more agile: they are storytellers, builders, dreamers, carriers, geographers or scientists, artists or inventors.
You too could be one of them… one of us!
Among the protagonists of the movie “Mediterraneo” by G. Salvatores, Oscar 1992, he worked with Scola, Bellocchio, Comencini, Monicelli, the Taviani brothers, Soldini, Brizzi, Rob Marshall, Gianni Amelio. Without forgetting his poetic and transhumant passions from the Himalayas to Valtellina, from Tibet to the Aegean islands via Leopardi, Kavafis, John Berger, Wislawa Szimborska and Walt Whitman. Without forgetting his poetic and transhumant passions from the Himalayas to Valtellina, from Tibet to the Aegean islands via Leopardi, Kavafis, John Berger, Wislawa Szimborska and Walt Whitman.