In order to imagine and make it possible the world in which we want to live, described in the Vision, the Beauty Movement intends to be an editorial platform and a reference network to gather and connect people, organizations, ideas, projects and economic resources, aimed at concrete improvements for the well-being and sustainability of the planet and its inhabitants, in the following areas:
- Ethics and respect for Nature
- Models of sustainable economic development
- Renewable energies
- Experiences in contact with Nature
- Individual holistic well-being
The areas listed above have no purpose of exhaustiveness, and their further definition in more detailed areas of activity is entrusted with the development of the platform itself, which is organized both in voluntary and paid activities.
By way of guidance, here are some more detailed activities falling within the areas listed above:
1. Ethics and respect for Nature:
- Protection of the wilderness
- Conservation of wildlife and biodiversity
- Sustainable mobility
- Saving of natural resources
- Information and environmental education
2. Models of sustainable economic development:
- New economic models
- Sustainable business
- Ethical products
3. Renewable energies:
- Production and distribution of renewable energies
4. Experiences in contact with Nature:
- Events and activities
- Travels
- Workshops
5. Holistic well-being:
- Development of new patterns of thought
- Study of the interconnection of living forms
- Deep ecology
- Health
- Biophilia
- Development of a collective consciousness based on the Man-Nature relationship
Mission, Version 1.0 – May 9, 2020